Sports Nutrition


If you find training difficult or you need an extra edge, chances are you are not fuelling effectively for exercise. Whether you are an amateur or an elite athlete, nutrient timing will impact your performance. Ali has experience with everyday exercise enthusiast to Olympians and specialises in team sports, individual competitions and ultra endurance events.

Ali Redman of Equilibrium APD is a trained Sports Dietitian who can help you in your sport by tailoring a diet, by prioritising and timing nutrients to meet your specific needs. She is also qualified a trained anthropometrist and can accurately measure body composition to help assess nutrition and training programs, to learn more about these services click here.

Ali has experience in various sporting events including:

  • Team sports - soccer, rugby, touch football

  • Individual sports - swimming, cycling, athletics, dancing

  • Ultra endurance events - Triathlon, Marathon, Ironman, Pentathlon, Trail Running, Ultra Obstacle Racing

To know more about sports nutrition and how it can help click here.